Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog Entry 3---Draft 2

In researching I found opposition in some conclusions my sources began to draw through their emphasis on the perceived 'nature of women'. In the scholarly journal, the first page spends a lot of time describing women in contrast to men. It was not necessarily the description or common adjectives associated with women that had me in opposition, but how much the source placed emphasis on these characteristics. This placed me in opposition because even as I objectively research 'women exploitation' it seems as though it is almost impossible to escape the stigmas attached to being a woman. The nature of the article was not objectifying, however it was not all the way objective either. In Anderson Cooper's 60 Minutes interview, before introducing the interview, he spent five minutes speaking on Lady Gaga with an exploitive undertone. By making references to the opinions and tabloid-inspired views on the superstar, Cooper assists in further exploiting the superstar's celebrity by directing attention to the negativity the media has already attached to her.

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